Review: Monolyth & Cobalt – La température du feuillage entre deux saisons

Label: Feedback Loop
Catalog No: FbL011

La température du feuillage entre deux saisons, or The Temperature of Foliage Between Two Seasons, is an experiment in endurance. It demonstrates the strength of the human spirit and how, even through the darkest times, we can survive and push forward. These 6 songs show obstacles, catastrophes and dark places we descend into. They also present the miracles and beauty that make up every aspect of life. The yin and yang are placed into our ears with sheer splendor. The music is a rare occurrence, uplifting dark ambient.

Monolyth & Cobalt have created post-rock bliss, a dark ambient massacre of atmosphere. Moods clash together and emulate the tumult of the changing seasons, as well as our changing spirit. The complexity builds from the most minute simplicities into an organic opus. It has very beautiful string and piano arrangements that intertwine with the dark ambiance and nature samples. This is truly a gorgeous listen and one that can calm you after any trying day.

Standout track: Ground Z-ero
Rating: 4.5 stars

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